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3 Reasons Children Might Need a Tooth Extraction

December 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 8:16 pm
young girl with an extracted tooth

Children’s tooth extractions may seem a bit harsh or unnecessary, but the truth is they can be extremely beneficial. Although no parent wants to see their child endure such a procedure, pediatric dentists are now using advanced solutions and techniques to ensure better comfort, health, and safety. Here are three reasons your child might be recommended for a tooth removal.

Tooth Overcrowding

Young smiles are continually growing, which means teeth must erupt in the correct place. If your child’s pearly whites come in too close together, it can cause overcrowding, which can negatively impact their jaw development. It can also require orthodontic treatment later on in life if not addressed early on.

Removing one or more teeth reduces any overcrowding and allows for your child’s facial structure to develop correctly. You can expect your child’s pediatric dentist to monitor the situation to ensure no issues arise once teeth are removed.

Severe Dental Decay

If severe decay is beyond the help of a filling or crown, pulp therapy will often be the next option. If removing the infected pulp does not eliminate the pain or appear to “save” the tooth, the only viable solution is to remove it.

Allowing a decayed tooth to remain in place puts your child’s oral and overall health at serious risk. To avoid any worsening conditions, their pediatric dentist in Garland will employ safe techniques to easily remove the tooth and preserve the health of your child’s smile.

Significant Facial Trauma

Depending on your child’s age, they may be an avid athlete or simply enjoy playing around outside. Whether they’re on the field, running track, or climbing trees, enduring a hard hit or sudden fall can lead to significant facial trauma.

If a tooth becomes cracked or broken for any reason, their pediatric dentist will attempt other restorative options to repair it; however, if no other method of treatment will suffice, it will be necessary to extract the tooth and discuss ways to replace it. If it is a primary tooth, the dentist can insert a space maintainer to keep their teeth in place while waiting for the permanent one to erupt.

If an adult tooth must be removed, a dental bridge or partial denture can be created to give them a full, complete smile that functions normally.

Undergoing a tooth extraction may not be what you desire for your child. But if it is recommended by their pediatric dentist, trust that it is absolutely necessary, and the proper precautions will be taken to ensure the health and safety of your little one and their smile.

About the Practice
Treating infants, toddlers, and teenagers, Shiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is the ideal place for you to confirm your child’s oral health is on the right path! We provide comfort at every visit and offer the services your child needs to maintain a healthy and confident smile. If you are concerned about your child’s damaged or decayed tooth and want to see if it can be saved or needs to be removed, visit our website or call (469) 925-0861.