Trick or treat? Well, if you’re a kid, probably treat. But before you let your child dig into that Halloween candy loot, be sure to understand which spooky snacks are safe for their teeth and which ones they should skip. Here’s a list of some common candies that are dental friendly, and a few that are a downright fright!
Treats to Avoid
While nobody wants to have to turn down a tasty treat, there are some that are just too risky for your child’s teeth to even offer. Thus, if you see one of these offenders in their goody bag, you have permission to toss it. Furthermore, if you’re the one in charge of buying the candy to distribute this Halloween, be sure to avoid purchasing this type of treat for your neighborhood, too! Foods to avoid include:
- Hard candies and lollipops
- Sticky or chewy candies like gummies, caramels, or taffy
- Gum that is not sugarless
- Sour candies
Give Me Something Good to Eat!
Thankfully, there are still plenty of yummy options for your child to enjoy from their haul. Here are a few types of snacks that pass the test:
- Chocolate (with or without nuts)
- Sugarless gum
- Popcorn balls
- Pre-bagged pretzels or rice crispy treats
Candy-Free Options
If you are concerned about the example you set with the children in your community, you can also provide a candy-free alternative for your visitors, such as:
- Halloween themed pencils or erasers
- Small party favor sized toys like rubber balls, kazoos, parachute men, slide puzzles, modeling dough
- Glow sticks
- Stickers or temporary tattoos
- Trading cards or game cards
- Rubber bracelets
Deciding When to Indulge
Once your child has returned home with their plunder, be sure to set some rules about careful candy consumption. Aim to allow them a piece of their choice per day, preferably right after dinner. This will help give their mouth an advantage by benefitting from the excess saliva leftover from their main meal so that sugar and candy particles won’t linger as long on their teeth. Then, be sure that they brush and floss before heading to bed.
Remember, Halloween doesn’t have to be a scary time for your child’s smile. Be sure to keep a close eye on their treats and eliminate any varieties that could pose a risk to their oral health and their teeth will stay safe all season long.
About Dr. Lily
Dr. Lily has always loved making kids smile by providing them excellent oral health care options. Between her kind, friendly demeanor and her passion for protecting tiny teeth, she strives to make children feel safe and excited about dentistry. She is a member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Southwestern Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, and College of Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry.
To schedule an appointment at Shiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, please visit our website or call us today at 469-925-0861.