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Shiny Smiles Pediatric Dentistry Blog

Is It Too Early to Start My Kid on Fluoride?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 10:59 pm
Cartoon tooth is strong from fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral also known as “nature’s cavity fighter,” and despite the claims of some concerned citizens, it is incredibly effective at preventing cavities. Studies in Canada found that towns without fluoridated water had higher rates of tooth decay than those who continued putting it in their water supply. Millions of children around the world have been spared the pain of dental infections due to fluoride in toothpaste and tap water alongside regular dental checkups. Here’s what you should know about the effects fluoride has on children.


Why You Should Get Your Child A Mouthguard

July 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 7:41 pm
Girl in martial arts clothes with green mouthguard in a fighting stance

It’s back-to-school season, which often results in a flurry of activity ranging from school supply shopping to meet-the-teacher night. There’s a lot to do and remember as you prepare your child for the coming year, but don’t forget their oral health. Many students each year will get involved in contact sports or other activities that are prone to accidents, and no one wants to kick off the school year with a or knocked-out tooth! Thankfully, mouthguards are a simple, readily available solution that can help avoid potential injury. Read more to learn about mouthguards and how to protect your loved one’s teeth this year.


Are Dental X-rays Safe for Kids?

June 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 4:26 am
child getting a dental x-ray

Being a parent, it’s natural to feel a tad anxious whenever your child visits the dentist. Various aspects of dentistry can appear intimidating, especially when explained by the dentist. Dental X-rays are one such procedure that might sound overwhelming for kids, but in reality, they play a crucial and routine role in pediatric dentistry. If you want to better understand how X-rays are utilized for children, keep reading to learn about their purpose and safety.


3 Ways to Welcome the Tooth Fairy!

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 9:07 pm
picture of the tooth fairy

When it comes to teaching your children to take care of their teeth, there aren’t all that many bright points; any parent will tell you that getting children to brush properly can be a challenge, and actually getting them to the dentist even more so.

The tooth fairy is one big exception to that! This is an opportunity to make dental care fun for your kids and to inject a little bit of magic into their lives along the way. Here are some ways you can welcome the tooth fairy with your child.


Thumb-Sucking: Why and How to End It

January 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 2:48 pm
older child who needs to stop thumb-sucking

They grow so fast. Your little baby isn’t an infant or even a toddler anymore. In fact, they’re now a child! They can talk and do more tasks independently, and some habits they had as a baby aren’t beneficial for them anymore. More specifically, thumb-sucking can actually become harmful for a growing child. Keep reading to learn more about this habit and how to transition your child out of it!


Is Thumb-Sucking Bad for Your Child’s Teeth?

December 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 5:10 pm
child sucking thumb

As a parent, there is no shortage of things to worry about. Even within the realm of your child’s oral health, you probably have a lot on your mind. One thing you might be worried about is thumb-sucking. It’s widely believed that sucking thumbs or using pacifiers can cause problems for your toddler’s oral health. To ease your concerns, here’s a little bit more information about the effect that sucking thumbs can have on your child’s teeth.


How to Make Losing Baby Teeth Less Scary for Kids

October 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 11:51 pm

For most kids, losing their first baby tooth is an exciting experience because it means they’re growing up and can expect to find some money underneath their pillow. However, for others, this experience can be frightening and cause anxiety. Each child may handle this milestone in their own way. Continue reading to learn a few tips from a pediatric dentist about making losing baby teeth in Garland a less traumatic and more positive experience.


4 Tips for a Successful Visit for Your Autistic Child Through Special Needs Dentistry

August 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 4:53 pm
hands holding puzzle pieces for special needs dentistry

As the parent of a special needs child, you know that your little one deserves to have the same high level of care as any other. For example, your child may be autistic, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require quality dental care. How can you make sure their dental visits are successful and not stressful? With special needs dentistry, it’s possible, but here are four tips you can do to ensure a positive experience at the dentist’s office.


Tips from a Pediatric Dentist on Spring Cleaning

April 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 9:21 pm
child using electric toothbrush

“Spring cleaning” is defined as “the act or process of doing a thorough cleaning of a place.” This might not be one of the many definitions your child is learning in school, but that doesn’t mean their dental health should miss out on the benefits of a spring cleaning. Perhaps they ate too much candy after Valentine’s Day, and if so, their smile could use a fresh start. Keep reading to get some helpful tips on this concept from a pediatric dentist in Garland.


How a Lip or Tongue Tie Can Interfere with Breastfeeding and How to Fix It

February 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — shinysmiles @ 2:10 pm
mom breastfeeding her baby who was treated for a lip or tongue tie

You don’t understand it. With your first baby, you figured out breastfeeding pretty quickly, but it’s a painful struggle with your second. You feel like you’re doing everything right, but they aren’t thriving. You think maybe you should give up and start using formula.


The benefits of nursing are worth the effort to fix this situation. If you want to continue breastfeeding but are experiencing trouble, your baby may have a tongue or lip tie and need a frenectomy. Keep reading to learn why this procedure has risen nearly 90 percent over recent years.

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